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Amos K. Hutchinson Elementary

Attendance Policy

Greensburg Salem School District: Attendance Policy

Information present in the Elementary Student Handbook

Regular school attendance is essential for your child’s academic success. Chronic absenteeism and habitual tardiness will impact student learning. Please note that the Greensburg Salem School District adheres to Pennsylvania’s compulsory attendance laws. The following guidelines and regulations have been established for student attendance:

Excused Absences:

  • Each student is required to attend school on a regular basis. A student may be excused from classes for the following reasons: (1) personal illness (2)death in immediate family (3) impassable roads (4) emergency permit because of physical or mental handicap (5) exceptionally urgent reasons approved by the principal.
  • A maximum of ten days of cumulative excused/lawful absences verified by parental notification may be permitted during a school year. All absences beyond ten cumulative days will require an excuse from a physician.

Unexcused Absences:

  • Absences for the following reasons are considered unexcused: (1) absence because of parental neglect, such as skiing, hunting, fishing, visiting out of town, overslept, missing school bus, etc. (2) Absences because of truancy. Any unexcused absences for students of compulsory school age are also unlawful unless the child has been suspended by the principal.


What to do if my child misses school:

If a student misses school for any reason, please forward a written (or emailed) excuse including the following:

  • date or dates of the absence(s)
  • explanation of the cause of the absence
  • signature of the parent/guardian, or physician

The excuse must be received within three days of the students return to school. Failure to submit an excuse, no matter how legitimate, will be classified as unlawful or unexcused.

Anytime a student is absent from school, he/she must make up all assigned work. The student/parent must contact his/her teacher to schedule the necessary makeup work. Student on approved family trips must makeup work missed as well.

Penalty for Unlawful or Excessive Absences:

When a student accumulates 10 days of absence/tardies — excused or unlawful -- or displays a pattern of weekly absences, written notification will be sent to the parent by the appropriate school official, i.e. Principal, School Counselor, informing them that their child has been placed on medicals.

1. First Notice — When a student has accumulated three (3) days of unlawful absence as verified by the Principal, the parent or guardian is served with the first offense notice. The first offense notice is only a warning.

2. Second Notice — After the first offense letter is served, once a student accumulates six (6) days of unlawful absences, the student is deemed truant under PA law. A written notification will be sent to the parents/guardians and a Student Attendance Improvement Conference will be scheduled.

3.  Student Attendance Improvement Conference (S.A.I.C.) — At the Student Attendance Improvement Conference, Teachers, parents/guardians, Counselors, administration and support staff may come together to identify barriers to the student's attendance and brainstorm ways to improve it. Truancy Diversion may also be recommended during this time.

3. Third Notice —  After the first and second offense letters have been served, and the SAIC meeting has taken place, the next unlawful student absence during the school year becomes a Third offense. The building level administration will file the case with the District Magistrate who may arrest the parent/guardian for a violation of the compulsory school attendance law. If found guilty, a fine may be imposed. 

At this time, the School District will also make a referral to the Westmoreland County Children's Bureau.

If your child is having difficulty wanting to attend school please contact the School Counselor so preventative measures can be put in place.


Absence Reporting

Complete this form to report your child's absence to the Hutchinson Elementary Attendance Office. 

* Once this form is submitted, it is NOT necessary to call the office or send in a written excuse.

Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format
Attach up to 3 files with a maximum size of 10MB
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